Le Petit Journal d' AX

Carpe diem!
三川安敦-삼천안돈-मित्सुकव अंतोन-اسماعيل

Monday, March 15

Juste un pense

Just a thought

Today, friends and acquaintance met me in the street in such a rush, we don't even have time to catch up. I now begin to see the usefulness of having a blog. I do not have to repeat myself again and again about my recent happenstance. Next time they ask me, "So you doing lately Ax?", I'll just come back with a quick riposte of "Read my blog." It's all in the blog now. I've transfered my life record there. Anyone can check the milestones of my life now, just if anyone could care less :-) Such an attention craver as Ax.

This morning I woke up, the first thing I remember is to boil the water and cook some white porridge for Vicky. Strange! I've never been this attentive and responsible for anyone. I was a selfish guy with selfish needs. I was a bit late to work, but it was okay. I managed to get the porridge ready by 9:15 am and rode my bike to work. I got to work at 9:33 am. Vicky was pleased. I just called her and she played baby talk with me saying that she'd be benign and finish the porridge. It's doctor's order, she's been having some gastrointestinal infection lately after that galore of suckling pig in Bali. Curse the pig now. Hope she'll recover soon from her current state. Prayers are welcome.

I also learned three characters lately, and it helps a lot to differs them, because they look so much alike, they are 徵 [zheng1], 微 [wei2], and 徽[hui1]. These characters only differers by a 王 [wang2], 儿[ren2], and 糸 [mi4]. I hope to find more similar characters with similar composition in order not to forget them.


今天路上,有一位朋友在匆匆忙忙之間,跟我碰面,因為他很趕時間,所以沒辦法多聊。我現在開始看到有簿洛克 (BLOG) 的用途了。我不用一直重復跟人家說我最近如何,有什麼新的變化。下次如果有位朋友問 『可為,你最近如何?』, 我就可以用準備好的一句話跟他們說,『請看我的簿洛克。』現在全部都在我的簿洛克上。我已把所有的生活紀錄移到網上去了。誰都可以來看我的生活札記 , 如果有人不認同的話 , 那我也愛莫能助了。

早上起床時,第一個想到的是煮水和粥給麗娟吃。奇怪呢。我從來沒有那麼有注意或對別人有這樣的責任感。我是個自私的人和我自私的需求。我會有點遲到到公司。但是還好。我早上 9:15 把粥煮好久。騎著腳踏車去上班。到公司已經早上 9:33 了。麗娟滿滿笑容‧我到公司打電話給他的時候,他還撒嬌跟我說會乖乖地把粥吃完。這是醫生叮嚀的。他現在腸胃不舒服。可能是在巴里島的時候吃多了烤乳豬。(這個死乳豬)!希望他早日康復‧幫忙禱告吧。

我最近又學了三個字。能讓我好好地分析它們。因為它們看起來太相似了。這三個字就是徵 [zheng1], 微 [wei2], 以及徽[hui1]。這三個字只差在王 [wang2], 儿[ren2], 以及糸 [mi4]。我希望可以找到更多相似的字讓我可以唸唸不忘的。



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