Le Petit Journal d' AX

Carpe diem!
三川安敦-삼천안돈-मित्सुकव अंतोन-اسماعيل

Friday, March 19

Les reves de moi (deux)

Dreamer's parlor

I have fancy in recording dreams. A book I read a long time ago said if I continued doing so, I will be able to control my dreams. The books also described the benefit of controlling dreams for purpose of health recovery, erotica, fear theraphy, etc. Last night I dreamt of me and vicky in Bali. We were renting an elephant for a walk. I visioned vicky standing at the side of the elephant with the elephant's big ears clapping on her head. She sheepishly tried to wave the ears away. Then I saw her walking the elephant ahead of me leading it at its trunk. At one narrow junction of city blocks, the elephant refused to turn left. Vicky tried hard to drag it by its trunk, but it was too strong. At vicky's back my eyes went wild with the western babes in bikini, and silhouette of nude at beauty parlors, I was wearing a pegasus spring on my feet. I was jumping like a rabbit and I was half naked. I did jump next to vicky and help her with the elephant, but it's really too strong for us, and we lost the elephant running amok to the right.

In the second vision, we were at the playground of my old elementary school in Campong. We were playing while suddenly the sky turned cloudy and it started to drizzle. First I thought it was water, but after feeling it, I was yelling "Snow, it's snow, vicky, it's snow." We were exhilirated. I fell back and floated to the on air flying low in circle put both hands together to hold the falling snow. I flew higher and higher until it gets really cold that I landed on my feet and presented the snow to vicky. She smiled and threw the snow on my face. We were throwing snow at eachother then.

In the third vision, I saw all my relatives sitting on a long dining table all dressed in suit and tie like italian mafia. I saw Seling and her hubby A-Ket, I saw Semin and his wife. I do not know what they came for, probably for my wedding. But they are all rich, and they look strange and far from me. It ain't like childhood. They all look stern. I was with my mom, we stayed at Fungce's house and we slept on the couch. Fungce's hubby came home in the morning and did not give a stuff about us being there, not even a pleasant hello. I felt the disrespect. I felt useless. I want to take my mom and left the place right away.


我喜歡把夢境紀錄下來。我以前看過一本書說,如果我繼續把夢紀錄下來,我以後就能將夢控制。那本書有提到控制夢的用途包括;病狀的康復,情色, 以及恐懼治療。昨晚我夢見我和麗娟在巴里島組了一隻大象來散步。我夢見麗娟站在大象的旁邊。大象的耳朵不斷的拍到她的頭。她就很害羞的把大象的耳朵躲開。後來我夢見她在我前面輕輕的拉象鼻往前走。到了一個三叉路口,那隻大象拒絕跟她往左走。麗娟很用力地拉它的鼻子但是是在太大力了。我在麗娟的後面眼睛都不斷的左顧右盼頭看穿著比基尼的洋妞與美容店裡的裸體輪廓。我只穿著內衣腳底戴著彈簧似個兔子跳來跳去。我終於跳到麗娟的旁邊幫她拉那隻大象。可是大象實在太大力了,我們拉不過它就讓它跑掉了。





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