Le Petit Journal d' AX

Carpe diem!
三川安敦-삼천안돈-मित्सुकव अंतोन-اسماعيل

Friday, March 19

Les reves de moi (deux)

Dreamer's parlor

I have fancy in recording dreams. A book I read a long time ago said if I continued doing so, I will be able to control my dreams. The books also described the benefit of controlling dreams for purpose of health recovery, erotica, fear theraphy, etc. Last night I dreamt of me and vicky in Bali. We were renting an elephant for a walk. I visioned vicky standing at the side of the elephant with the elephant's big ears clapping on her head. She sheepishly tried to wave the ears away. Then I saw her walking the elephant ahead of me leading it at its trunk. At one narrow junction of city blocks, the elephant refused to turn left. Vicky tried hard to drag it by its trunk, but it was too strong. At vicky's back my eyes went wild with the western babes in bikini, and silhouette of nude at beauty parlors, I was wearing a pegasus spring on my feet. I was jumping like a rabbit and I was half naked. I did jump next to vicky and help her with the elephant, but it's really too strong for us, and we lost the elephant running amok to the right.

In the second vision, we were at the playground of my old elementary school in Campong. We were playing while suddenly the sky turned cloudy and it started to drizzle. First I thought it was water, but after feeling it, I was yelling "Snow, it's snow, vicky, it's snow." We were exhilirated. I fell back and floated to the on air flying low in circle put both hands together to hold the falling snow. I flew higher and higher until it gets really cold that I landed on my feet and presented the snow to vicky. She smiled and threw the snow on my face. We were throwing snow at eachother then.

In the third vision, I saw all my relatives sitting on a long dining table all dressed in suit and tie like italian mafia. I saw Seling and her hubby A-Ket, I saw Semin and his wife. I do not know what they came for, probably for my wedding. But they are all rich, and they look strange and far from me. It ain't like childhood. They all look stern. I was with my mom, we stayed at Fungce's house and we slept on the couch. Fungce's hubby came home in the morning and did not give a stuff about us being there, not even a pleasant hello. I felt the disrespect. I felt useless. I want to take my mom and left the place right away.


我喜歡把夢境紀錄下來。我以前看過一本書說,如果我繼續把夢紀錄下來,我以後就能將夢控制。那本書有提到控制夢的用途包括;病狀的康復,情色, 以及恐懼治療。昨晚我夢見我和麗娟在巴里島組了一隻大象來散步。我夢見麗娟站在大象的旁邊。大象的耳朵不斷的拍到她的頭。她就很害羞的把大象的耳朵躲開。後來我夢見她在我前面輕輕的拉象鼻往前走。到了一個三叉路口,那隻大象拒絕跟她往左走。麗娟很用力地拉它的鼻子但是是在太大力了。我在麗娟的後面眼睛都不斷的左顧右盼頭看穿著比基尼的洋妞與美容店裡的裸體輪廓。我只穿著內衣腳底戴著彈簧似個兔子跳來跳去。我終於跳到麗娟的旁邊幫她拉那隻大象。可是大象實在太大力了,我們拉不過它就讓它跑掉了。




Wednesday, March 17

Croyez vouz a Dieu

Trust the Lord

Yesterday was hectic. I arrived in the office with a bunch of deadlines to accomplished. Conversion. Pretranslation. Conversion. Wordcount. What else. I manage to settle my last item of wordcount at 12:30 and rushed to 南京東路捷運站 [Nanking E Rd] MRT station to meet Gus, Leo, and Ben. We gathered at "Books and Coffee" at the corner across the MRT exit. It's the fourth meeting I had with them. I really feel great to be able to have a regular prayer meeting again like it was back in Jakarta. Back to my systems. After the usual sermon and scriptural reading, we had a simple meal there. Leo invited me for a one-on-one outside the premise. He'd like to find out what my impression or thoughts about Opus Dei. I said I really have no reservation against it. I'm all in for the weekly session of prayer. I know I've not been living in accordance to the church in recent episode of my life, however, I still have Jesus at the center of my heart and am trying best to let God put order into my life. Yeah the sermon of the day was about "ORDER", I keep on listening, but I had my own opinions about order and chaos. Too much of 老子 [Laozi] philoshophy I guess.

Anyway I pointed out to Leo that we might need more individual prayers and sharing aside from the weekly cathechism. I think I sometimes need someone to talk to, about my problems, my concerns, and my difficulties. Well it's all my my my again. Selfish lad. I told him that I had to admit in the past. When I prayed so much for myself. It didn't much come true, but when I prayed for others, many were granted. Well life goes on. I goes I just have to learn the rope myself while young. I have to feel reality bites myself. Take bitter pill myself. Well I'll keep on praying. Though life has posed so much uncertainties and worries. The only direction I can heed is from the Lord.

At home, I was voice-chatting with Merlin from Israel who wanted to learn Chinese. He suggested I can trade Chinese with his Hebrew and Russki. I did not feel the intense need to be well-versed in any or these language though, but what the heck. I'm a language lover no? I tried to put two to two on Hebrew alphabetic symbol, keyboard assignment, and their audible sounds. It's hard for me to grasp any right-to-left languges. I wish to map Hebrew, Arabic and their sounds together. Like I said. I only want to have some sort of basic knowledge of them. I do not picture myself as to be able to speak those languages like native speakers.


昨天實在太忙。我到了辦公室之後,就有一大堆的工作需要我去完成。轉檔。翻譯。轉檔。算字數。還有呢。終於在 12:30 把所有項目搞定了,就跑到南京東路捷運站附近的『BOOKS AND COFFEE』跟 GUS, LEO, 和 BEN 聚會。這是第四次的聚會。我真的非常高興能夠每個禮拜有慣例的聚會。就像回到往日在椰城的生活一樣。當我聽了所有的佈道和聖經閱讀之後,我們就開始用餐。LEO 跟我面對面在外面聊天。他想知道我對 OPUS DEI 的感想。我說我沒有什麼不滿意的。我全心支持這麼一個好聚會。因為我知道,我最近的生活也沒有完全按照教堂教的正道。但是在我心目中,還是有耶穌。我儘量讓上帝把我的生活規律化。對啊。。。今天的佈道是跟『規律』有關。我有聽進去,但是我也有自己的想法對於規律和混亂。可能太多老子的想法了啦。

無論如何,我建議 LEO 除了每個禮拜的佈道,我們可能需要祈禱和分享。我想我有時候需要跟人家討論一些事情,問題或困境。又是『我 我 我 我』了。這個自私的死傢伙(沒錯)。我跟他說以前我為自己禱告無法成真。但是如果我為了別人禱告時,往往都成真。嗯。。。生活就是這樣。我只是要自己慢慢摸。面對現實的痛苦。嚐試苦味的藥丸。嗯。。。我繼續禱告。雖然生活變化萬千,許多煩愁,我只能往上帝指示的那個方向走。

在家,我跟以色列的 MERLIN 語音交談。他想學中文。他建議我跟他語言交換。我可以跟他交換希伯來語和俄羅斯話。我沒有怎麼大的需求,想學那些語言,但是,我認為自己是語言之迷,所以多學一些,也沒關係。我認真的把希伯來語的字母,鍵盤按鍵,和聲音對起來。對我而言,右到左的語言實在很難。我想把希伯來語,阿拉伯語,和他的聲音通通連結起來。我說過。我只是想知道一些基本知識,並沒有想過,有一天會流暢地說這些語言。


Monday, March 15

Juste un pense

Just a thought

Today, friends and acquaintance met me in the street in such a rush, we don't even have time to catch up. I now begin to see the usefulness of having a blog. I do not have to repeat myself again and again about my recent happenstance. Next time they ask me, "So you doing lately Ax?", I'll just come back with a quick riposte of "Read my blog." It's all in the blog now. I've transfered my life record there. Anyone can check the milestones of my life now, just if anyone could care less :-) Such an attention craver as Ax.

This morning I woke up, the first thing I remember is to boil the water and cook some white porridge for Vicky. Strange! I've never been this attentive and responsible for anyone. I was a selfish guy with selfish needs. I was a bit late to work, but it was okay. I managed to get the porridge ready by 9:15 am and rode my bike to work. I got to work at 9:33 am. Vicky was pleased. I just called her and she played baby talk with me saying that she'd be benign and finish the porridge. It's doctor's order, she's been having some gastrointestinal infection lately after that galore of suckling pig in Bali. Curse the pig now. Hope she'll recover soon from her current state. Prayers are welcome.

I also learned three characters lately, and it helps a lot to differs them, because they look so much alike, they are 徵 [zheng1], 微 [wei2], and 徽[hui1]. These characters only differers by a 王 [wang2], 儿[ren2], and 糸 [mi4]. I hope to find more similar characters with similar composition in order not to forget them.


今天路上,有一位朋友在匆匆忙忙之間,跟我碰面,因為他很趕時間,所以沒辦法多聊。我現在開始看到有簿洛克 (BLOG) 的用途了。我不用一直重復跟人家說我最近如何,有什麼新的變化。下次如果有位朋友問 『可為,你最近如何?』, 我就可以用準備好的一句話跟他們說,『請看我的簿洛克。』現在全部都在我的簿洛克上。我已把所有的生活紀錄移到網上去了。誰都可以來看我的生活札記 , 如果有人不認同的話 , 那我也愛莫能助了。

早上起床時,第一個想到的是煮水和粥給麗娟吃。奇怪呢。我從來沒有那麼有注意或對別人有這樣的責任感。我是個自私的人和我自私的需求。我會有點遲到到公司。但是還好。我早上 9:15 把粥煮好久。騎著腳踏車去上班。到公司已經早上 9:33 了。麗娟滿滿笑容‧我到公司打電話給他的時候,他還撒嬌跟我說會乖乖地把粥吃完。這是醫生叮嚀的。他現在腸胃不舒服。可能是在巴里島的時候吃多了烤乳豬。(這個死乳豬)!希望他早日康復‧幫忙禱告吧。

我最近又學了三個字。能讓我好好地分析它們。因為它們看起來太相似了。這三個字就是徵 [zheng1], 微 [wei2], 以及徽[hui1]。這三個字只差在王 [wang2], 儿[ren2], 以及糸 [mi4]。我希望可以找到更多相似的字讓我可以唸唸不忘的。


Sunday, March 14

Le gameclub a l'Alleycats

Nouvel chapitre

Today, due to the nignag we had over the unpleasant service at 雙魚 [shuangyu cafe], for the first time, the game club was held at the Alleycats. I called Alleycats today to confirm whether they would open earlier just to accomodate us. Alleycat's boss gave us a green lights, and I told Rob, and Kimichen to meet there. Imani and Okami came later. I also saw a short sight of mangalica calling on just to say hi as he couldn't find a place to park his car. Erick came for a while enjoying his pizza and a match of Chinese Squabble with me.

We had a game of CLUE, and the English Squabble. I didnot make much word today as all players are getting good at Squabbling. I only got a "BREVET" from verb, a "TACKLED" from tacked, and a "PHONE" from nope, that's the best I could maintain. The food is pretty good. I had a sip of hot south african tea which smell of special herbs and spice. I had my beef and rocotta Calzione. It tasted good. We had a plate for two. Vicky was enjoying the meal while helping me at CLUE.

We stepped out of Alleycat a little after 7:00 pm and went down to Yongkang st for snacks. We stopped at Monster ICE and had a hot ginger sweet potato soup. After that we caught our 311 at Xinyi xinsheng intersection and get our way back to our place.

在 ALLEYCATS 開桌上型遊戲會

因為我們都對雙魚坊各方面的服務和態度有點不爽,今天的遊戲會就搬到 ALLEYCATS PIZZA 餐廳去。地點在麗水街靠近 MYKONOZ 希臘餐廳。我打了電話給 Alleycat 的老闆問他是否真的要為了我們提早在 4:00 下午開門。Alleycats 給了點頭,我就打給 Rob 和 Kimichen 教他們在那邊集合。IMANI 和 TYLER 後來也坐摩托車來了。我也有看到 MANGALICA 進來跟我們打招呼但是因為找不到停車位他沒辦法久留。ERIK 來一下下,咬著他的 PIZZA 邊跟我玩中文拼字尋寶。

我們開始玩 CLUE 遊戲在接玩英文 SQUABBLE。我今天做不了什麼好字因為大家都很強。我只有從 "VERB" 拿到 "BREVET",從 "TACKED" 拿到 "TACKLED",和從 "NOPE" 那倒 "PHONE"。今天的晚餐也不錯。我喝了南非的茶,有很多濃濃的香味。我吃了牛肉加 rokotta 的 CALZONE (包型的 PIZZA)。我跟 VICKY 吃一盤。VICKY 說很好吃而我繼續玩 CLUE。

我們 7:00 晚上離開 ALLEYCATS 並走到永康街逛逛。我們還到 MONSTER ICE 那邊喝了一碗薑母蕃薯湯。喝完了這個我們就坐 311 回我們家。
